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If I had a dol­lar for every per­son that spec­u­lat­ed on my men­tal health be­cause of what I post on so­cial media …
Its al­ways fun­ny to get a re­port back …
So and so was ask­ing if you are ok?

No, I am not ok and that is per­fect­ly fine to be not ok
I will ex­press my­self how I want …
I know my shit gets digested …
Maybe not by likes maybe not by comments …
But in the con­ver­sa­tions I have with folks in person.

I nev­er claimed to have all the truth and noth­ing but the truth …
I know my per­spec­tive is not the same as others …
I know I share some wild shit at times …
None of what I share is the com­plete truth.

What I share is in­tend­ed to disrupt …
Dis­rupt the trance I feel most of you are liv­ing in …
The goal is to question …
Ques­tion all narratives …
I get folks that disagree …
and I do my best to find con­sen­sus is our disagreements …
Some­times it works, most of the time it doesnt.

If we gonna argue …
We gonna have to try and com­pre­hend how we communicate …
You cant have a log­i­cal ar­gu­ment with some­one tak­ing an emo­tion­al stance …
and vice versa.

While protests are happening …
I see emo­tions are high …
No log­i­cal ar­gu­ment is go­ing to work …
Maybe we got­ta burn it all down …
and start over.

But I am do­ing my best to in­ject a bit of pause …
and ask some of yall to think …
for a minute.

I aint a fan of big government …
but I also know they aint gonna take this shit lightly.

What I see is a lot of ro­man­ti­ciz­ing of rev­o­lu­tion­ary rhetoric …
Which I love to get fired up to as well …
But I dont see any crit­i­cal thought go­ing into what hap­pens when we get the rev­o­lu­tion we seek …
There are con­se­quences when you put on your Che tshirt …
Yall dont got the fire pow­er to deal with this.

I been scream­ing black lives mat­ter for 30 plus years …
I been scream­ing bout po­lice bru­tal­i­ty for just as long.

I am anti racism.
Anti homophobia.
Anti transphobia.
Anti classism.
Anti fascism.
Anti communism.
Anti sexism.
And what­ev­er “ism” you want to pull out.

These “isms” are all low vibrations …
It should be com­mon sense.

And I be­lieve it is.

Only ones still hold­ing on to these low vibrations …
Are in their last death throws of their existence.

Boomers were the last gen­er­a­tion still hold­ing on to these vibes …
If I look around today …
Damn near every fam­i­ly is mixed.

But the news keeps pump­ing this racism angle.

Now I dont buy what the news says …
I dont buy what a lot of folks are selling.

We been lied to so very long we dont know what is correct …

Food is fake.
Wa­ter is poisoned.
His­to­ry is false.
Ed­u­ca­tion sys­tem is fake.
Pol­i­tics is fake.
Her boobs are fake.
Mon­ey is fake.
Damn near every­thing we been told is a lie.

At this point I cant help but to ques­tion the whole round earth deal as be­ing false.

All I try to do is re­mind you dummies …
That is all lies …
and to calm the fuck down and get back to what is real.

Go plant a seed.
Wa­ter it.
Watch it grow.
This I can prove …
Every­thing else is conjecture.

At the end of the day I trust myself …
I trust my gut …
I use my mind to ques­tion the facts …
I use my heart to sep­a­rate emo­tions from logic …
and I use my gut to make a call a decision …

I could be wrong …
and will do my best to cor­rect my wrongs.

But what I wont do is shut my mouth just be­cause it does not go along with the nar­ra­tive of the masses.

I am gonna stick with integrity …
In­tegri­ty of my spirit.

Just be­cause I may not agree with your argument …
Does not mean I re­ject you and your beliefs.

I have room at my ta­ble for pas­sion­ate disagreements …
I un­der­stand not every­one is wear­ing the same shoes that brought us to the table.

I got no beef with the sen­ti­ment or the mes­sage of black lives matter …
but I do ques­tion some of the po­lit­i­cal in­ten­tions that are hi­jack­ing the message …
From what most folks com­mon­ly agree upon.

If yall want some plan for po­lice accountability …
I am with it.

But if yall want to get rid of all cops …
Then I am gonna pump the brakes …
If yall want to get all vig­i­lante with it …
I am gonna pump those brakes as well.

What I think some of yall are miss­ing is …
Youre not read­ing the bat­tle­field well.

Most folks here in Amer­i­ca agree …
Shit has been fucked up for a minute …
Hu­man­i­ty has nev­er been giv­en the chance …
Again it is only a few folks whom have been fuck­ing us for far too long …
They all got names and addresses …
Fig­ure out whom has been fuck­ing it up for the rest of us …
Deal with them.

This is all I am ever after …
To fig­ure out whom has been fuck­ing hu­man­i­ty up.

Amer­i­ca is an idea.
Yes it is a country.
and two continents.
But at the end of the day it is an idea.

Some say it is a good idea some say it is all shit …
Ei­ther way you are correct …
Mat­ter of perspective.

We can make it bet­ter or we can burn it down …
But you cant kill an idea …
This idea has folks from all over the world fight­ing to get here …
This has folks all over the world watch­ing how we han­dle these times …
This is the front­lines of free­dom for every­one in the world.

If we lose this fight …
So goes the world.

For the new world or­der to hap­pen they need­ed to break the spir­it of free­dom here in America …
This spir­it needs to burn bright …
The spir­it of all those an­ces­tors that fought for this freedom …
We gonna just hand it over to bunch of knuck­le­heads whom have been fuck­ing us for past few hun­dred years …
Its an idea.

I got no beef with anyone …
Es­pe­cial­ly if you disagree …
We all have some­thing to share …
and I am gonna share what I feel need to be brought to the conversation.

Some will argue.
Some will unfriend.
Most will lurk.
Some will talk.
Did you see what Bri­an said? He must have lost his damn mind.

News flash!
I lost my mind a long ass time ago.

That is ok with me.
I am good with me.
I like me.
I am not every­ones cup of tea.

But I will not back down or be bul­lied be­cause I dont agree with your opinion …
Those whom know me per­son­al­ly or whom have had con­ver­sa­tions with me …
Know that I dont bow to any­one opinion …
I will hold my own in per­son or online.

Right now I am over­whelmed with many emotions …
We got folks sow­ing di­vi­sion where there is none.
Most folks agree …

Cops need to be reigned in.
Bad cops need to be held accountable.
But you aint gonna get me to say all cops are bastards.

It’s like say­ing all Re­pub­li­cans are racist.
All De­moc­rats are pedophiles.
All Mex­i­cans are lazy.
All In­di­ans are drunks.
All black peo­ple are …
See where I am go­ing with it …

I aint with it.

On a last note …
I aint the smartest.
I aint the dumbest.

But I sure can say I am smarter than a majority …
and I aint gonna apol­o­gize for that.

So if you dumb …
Get fucked.



Flom­mist Bri­an-An­tho­ny is a for­mer artist, crafts­man and de­sign­er turned part time law stu­dent via YouTube and Google, works at a print shop, full time fa­ther, all around Good Samar­i­tan, en­joys a fine sati­va, read­ing and Ari­zona Green Tea. Copy­right © 2020 Brian-Anthony.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 26 Jun 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

