‘Talk about process
talk about community
talk about fear and not getting paid
and where education is in all of this?
‘Talk about paintings
noise and science
‘People should people how they’re going to people’
Three episodes in, and FLoMMCAST is doing wat I hoped would happen – the loose ‘art talk’ idea that Alley had when she first presented the concept to me. Conversations about art – unpolished, where the artists just riff and help us experience what they do.
All done in a naive FLOMM-like way – recorded in a VORTEX, as it were. Apartment REVERB. And corrupted digital recordings. And smart phone chimes. Big barks. And I wonder: Which guest will be the first to actually take up the offer to record in Alley’s bedroom closet?
This is the first FLOMM project that’s mostly out of my hands, which results in something cool for me: I get to listen as an audience member, divorced from the content. I get to be surprised. And learn a bit mor about these faces I keep running into.
They all have great things to talk about.
was a revealing Sacramento art community roundtable – and it wasn’t just painters. And they had a LOT to say. Here’s faces and links to go with the audio:
Sarah Marie Hawkins, whose other art project is #facelessnomore, and you can also find her work here
Tory Gaurnier, didn’t provide us a link, but did offer to promote a friend
Kenneth Pickerel
had Milk guest hosting in Alley’s chair – and he did a great interview with outsider self-taught multimedia neo-expressionist artist Kainan Becker.
They talked grunge, patina, aging, the influence of whoever get come into contact with, the limitations of traditional education and the passion that comes from learning on your own, taking apart the puzzle. Finding solutions, or never finding just the right thing.
Next week, Alley has something else planned. And refuses to tell me. And from what I understand we have two recorded remotes in Chicago and Boston sitting on laptops somewhere.
I think.
Stay tuned. We’re on iTunes, Google Play, and tunein so far. There’s no formula for how this is going to go. And that’s what makes it FLOMM.
—steve mehallo
Flommist Steve Mehallo is a graphic designer, illustrator, font designer, educator, foodie and gadfly. He is the creator and founder of FLOMM! Pictured up top: Alley and a bunch of people that may or may not have anything to do with FLoMMCAST.