“There’s no scientific basis for Race – it’s a made-up label. It’s been used to define and separate people for millennia. But the concept of race is not grounded in genetics … [and] in a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.”
—Elizabeth Kolbert, National Geographic
In my biological anthropology class I learned that during evolution of people on earth, our skin colour was based out of migration of people and their living for hundreds of thousands of years in different areas on earth and their differing proximities to the sun, where one person may need a particular vitamin like vitamin d and another may need less.
All skin colour and features of our bodies are a product of evolution.
Some features of our bodies have evolved with particular reason and others have been found to have little reason.
The amazing thing about humans is that we’re adaptable to our environments. This is what survival of the fittest means. The ones who adapt via evolution to survive are the “fittest.”
So as we migrated from one place to different places on earth, as climate changed etc. over time our bodies changed to adapt to the environments, acquiring what’s needed to live in that environment, including changes to colour of skin.
It’s more complicated than that because in that time we also mated and shared variations in genetics, but in general that’s a simple base.
In general we’re are all related via genetics. Our genetic codes connect us. Skin is just product of evolutionary adaptivity to different environments over time (and then some). The theory is that humans originated, and migrated out of Africa over time.
So when someone says we’re all related, this is what they mean. This is studied. It is not “not real.”
This is what I refer to when I try to explain that if you’re racist or prejudiced then you are likely uneducated.
If this information is new to you this National Geographic article is a good place to start.
Then follow that up with a biological anthropological book about evolution.
Humans are fascinating. Our history and the science within us is fascinating. This does not take away from heritage.
And as a side note: The reason why someone would want to defund “higher education” is simply that they do not want others to learn.
Maybe they don’t believe in evolution. But the truth is that everyone deserves to know some basic and fascinating truths. Information is out there. And we shouldn’t have to wait for college to learn this stuff.
And if we learned this as children maybe we would not grow up to be racist adults.
—rose fante
Flommist Rose Fante is a wanderer, “yeah a wanderer, I roam around around around around around …” Copyright © 2020 Rose Fante.